Go your business with a platform that supports your team

Mobile Van Sale System

Meter Billing System

Loyality System

Golf Management System

Help your customer and your team
We prioritize customer satisfaction. We support every ICT matter and Accounting issues can be asked and discussed via Email, Phone, Viber, WhatsApp, Zoom, and so on. The service team is always ready to SUPPORT.
"We are always at your back to support you."
Cloud Version
Connect everything you use
Worldwide access at any time using internet-connected devices. Run directly from a web browser without any downloads or installation. Work from anywhere. Save the cost of implementing/maintenance high server standards at your business. No high PC specifications are needed.

Cloud- Based Accounting Software
Integrated Accounting Information Management System
Currently, Most of our clients are using the Cloud- Based MBC Integrated Accounting Information Management System (IAIMS) on Cloud since last three years ago. Some are using over twenty branches on cloud all around Myanmar and some are over sixty users at the same time in five countries. The Management roles from many organizations can know their Up-to-date data and reports at the same time using any devices especially Mobile.
MBC proudly received the ASOCIO OUTSTANDING ICT COMPANY AWARD in 2019. The ASIAN-OCEANIAN COMPUTING INDUSTRY ORGANIZATION (ASOCIO) is an ICT federation organized by ICT Associations representing 24 economies throughout the Asia Pacific.